Refer a Practice

Get Started

  1. Submit a referral today and receive a $150 account credit once we receive their first case.
  2. Plus, for each established referral you submit, you’ll be entered into monthly drawings for fun prizes!
  3. Enjoy earning your rewards!

The promotional period runs through the end of December 2024. This offer is valid for up to 3 referrals per practice during the promotional period. The $150 credit is against the referring doctor’s future case. A referred practice qualifies as a new doctor who has never used our dental laboratory or as a returning doctor who hasn’t sent a case to our laboratory in the last 2 years. Gnathodontics reserves the right at any time to modify or discon- tinue this offer either temporarily or permanently with or without notice. We will not be liable to you in the event of any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the offer.

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